2023-03-18: …and we’re back.


2020-01-29: On the nose

2020-01-22: When you need to bring the heat

2020-01-21: Pieces and parts on the loading dock.

2019-11-11: Summer memories - beach seating on Bald Head Island, NC.

2019-11-11: Wedge of blue at the Glenstone Museum, Potomac, MD.

2019-11-11: Seasonal gourd, outside the Hirschorn, Washington, DC.

2019-11-11: Roaming New York.

2019-03-30: Montgomery Blair High School is one of the most diverse school communities in the US - with native …

2019-03-30: Spring comes to town. Finally. (Or maybe right on time).

2019-03-29: In Brookland neighborhood of Washington, DC, we seem to have a police situation going on…

2019-03-16: Wandering around the DC Adventure Travel Show

2019-03-15: Taking in Truck Patch at the Wonderland Ballroom

2019-03-13: Daytime daydreaming… reflections on a business meeting.

2019-03-11: I don’t mean to sound cranky, but the switch daylight savings time is kind of a pain in the …

2019-03-09: This Trump tax cut is going to cost me a lot of money

2019-03-08: UMaryland handles UMinnesota (69-60) at the Xfinity Center in College Park, MD

2019-03-07: Why is it that Facebook’s “Pivot to Private” seems to be little more than an attempt to stay one …

2019-03-05: When Colton Underwood “jumped the fence” on The Bachelor last night, Reality TV hit peak It’s peak …

2019-03-04: Undisputed: Every song sounds better when Eddie Vedder sings it. Here’s Eddie singing “Maybe It’s …

2019-03-03: Took a short ride up I-95 to visit the American Visonary Arts Museum in Baltimore’s Federal Hill …

2019-03-02: I had dinner with my friend Alan tonight. He’s 93, still curious, still adventurous, still full of …

2019-03-02: How to begin? Nothing to do but just jump in.